
Home / Connecticut

Connecticut Medical License Service

Connecticut’s process is efficient in the USA. The staff is extremely helpful and tends to not take an adversarial role with the Physician applicants. They experience very little certification loss in their mailroom.

Physicians who have negative issues are given a fair review and hearing of the facts. The licensing times experienced with Connecticut vary between 75 to 105 days depending on whether a Physician is a Domestic or Foreign Med School Graduate.

The biggest issue with the Connecticut Physician Board is the availability of a licensure analysts. To determine what is missing from a physicians application we have to be able to periodically contact the Board to determine what is still needed. The Connecticut Med Board typically is slow to respond to emails, most calls go to voice mail, and callbacks are infrequent.

Most of our time with the State is involved in getting them on the line to obtain updates. Outside of this, they have a very streamlined process.

The Licensing Company is experiencing licensure times of 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 months for Connecticut for most Physicians.


SPEX/COMVEX Requirement: May be ordered by Board to assess current competence.
USMLE Attempt Limit: No attempt limit for Steps I and II. No attempt limit for Step III.
USMLE Time Limit: No Time Limit.
PGT US/Canada: 2 years
PGT International: 2 years

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